Training Videos

Teams we've
played for

Dee (Chad)
Winter 2014-Winter 2015

Dee (tournament team)
Winter 2014 (ongoing)

Dee (Chad)
Summer 2014

Dee (Charlotte, Chad (sub))
Winter 2007 (ongoing)

Dee (Charlotte, Judy, Nicky, Chad (sub))
Winter 2007 (ongoing)

Dee (Charlotte, Chad (sub))
Summer 2008 (ongoing)

Dee (sub) (Charlotte)
Winter 2007

Dee (Chad)
Summer 2007

but not used

So Judy found us a beginner hockey class in the beginning of 2007. Charlotte and Chad signed up as goalies, I signed up as a skater.

Image courtesy of Michele Hamilton

If you've ever considered being a goalie, or wondered what it was like to be a goalie, you MUST read THWAM - by Charlotte Shaeffer. It's seriously brilliant and I loves it my precious.

Image courtesy of Michele Hamilton Image courtesy of Michele Hamilton

Then Chad bought new pads (which actually fit him) and his old pads (which just happen to be the right size for me) were just sitting in the now I play goalie too.


...and Judy signed up for the mid-2008 class.

Just two more skaters and we can totally play 2 on 2 :-)

Now I've found a new pair of pads that fit me better - so Chad's orginal pads? They have found another goalie!

Nicky DB Schwein, Tank Girl, and Nicky

Starting Page